Finally my own little dyeing nook!
Ok, a work in progress but at least I don't need to pack up and down at the kitchen table anymore, and what a relief that is! This is my new "studio" (its not much of a studio yet but its a start lol). I plan on taking over most of the garage and setting up a little display and packing area as well, plus setting up my sewing machine and overlocker so I can get back to sewing. At the moment I'm settling for functional, and child safe with the safety gate keeping Kayla out of there, I can keep it set up all the time.
My dyeing table (I'm hoping to get a bigger, longer table but for now theres no room so the old outside table has been claimed) Its so good to leave everything set up ready to go, and I can duck out there at any time
The only place I have to put my long flat items at the moment is the top of the chest freezer, but its better than trying to keep them in the laundry lol.
These stockings are nearly all destined for Swings and Roundabouts!
I can't wait to do more yarn dyeing but that has to wait until the current orders are completed! Oh and sewing well thats a bit hard atm, I'm afraid theres no more sewing challenges for me for a few months at least.
The last couple of weeks have been enough of a challenge (on top of a lot of orders to dye/pack/send, and dyeing some rainbow stockings for
Swings and Roundabouts, a local shop which I'm really excited about
stocking in hehe!). I've also been trying to work out how to dye a hat! Perhaps I should have dyed some fabric and tried to sew it up, but having never attempted to make a hat before I went for an already made one.
My first effort with one of Ellies old preschool hats didn't go so well although Kayla loves it, because its not flat, the dye just ran everywhere and mingled too much. So this week I've been playing with thickening dyes to see if that would help and I think thats the way to go :)