see this tub- its full of nappies- modern cloth nappies that is, and they all need new elastic! so rather than throw them out as they are all still fantastic (otherwise I wouldn't mend them lol) I'm attempting to replace all the elastic on them haha. Some Kayla has grown out of but I hate to just throw them out so will pass them onto someone :) Its fiddly work but has to be done.

Am working my way through them, having to guess how much elastic for each leg is interesting. So far I've actually finished 2! and that was todays effort. I am most of the way through an Itti Bitti but need to run to spotlight and see if they have any 3mm swimwear elastic tomorrow. All good as I need to go there anyway to get some stiff interfacing for some bag making.
But hey who needs an excuse to go to spotlight :)
The inside of nappies is intriguing, in a I want to make more kind of way lol. This is an Itti Bitti AIO, I had no idea it was microfibre inside! The elastic in this one was almost gone, I have several other ittis to repair boosters on, and they aren't even in the mending tub, I think I'll be repairing nappies for months lol

I might try and do a tutorial for one or two brands as when I was researching there just wasn't anything much to find on some of them.
time to knit I think, enough mending for one day! Two more nappies back into the stash but don't look at them too closely hehe :) One Large magicall AIO and one Med Bumgenius AIO

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